Household details let me verify I’ve provided accurate information about my family or the people I live with.
The Household details component displays a summary of user’s household composition data they have provided in an online form. It allows them to review the information they’ve provided and the opportunity to correct any information they may have entered incorrectly. It can be used to summarize household members and their relationship to the applicant. It can also display special information about each household member such as income, expenses, or benefits they may have.
The Household details is a custom component created using USWDS CSS Utilities.
Resizing text up to 200% without loss of content or functionality.
The Household details passes keyboard interaction tests.
No keyboard test has been created.
The Household details passes screen reader interaction tests.
Guidance on ensuring Household details accessibility has been provided in this documentation.
Additional items
The role="list" attribute is added to the unordered list element to preserve the list role when the add-list-reset class is used to remove list styling.