An alert appears when I need help or when something has changed. It may be time-sensitive.
The Alert component distinguishes important information or errors that wouldn't normally appear in a layout or template. They may blend into or disrupt a user's workflow. Disruptive notices are most effective if used sparingly and appear after user interaction.
- Extends: USWDS Alert component
- Honeycrisp: Notice atom
- Customization: Design tokens and Styles
- Modifier:
The Alert extends the USWDS Alert component. The visual appearance is modified using design tokens applied to the USWDS Alert component settings from the Honeycrisp Notice atom. Further customization is applied using the CSS modifier(s) .cfa-alert
to add styles defined in a custom stylesheet.
Design tokens. Tokens define the name of basic system elements such as color, typography, or spacing. The values of tokens are relative to how the system defines them. This enables teams to alter the visual appearance of components yet remain within the system boundaries. Learn more about tokens on the Bixal's Design Tokens Guide.
Modifier. A modifier is a class name that applies a variant, type, or extended style customization to modify the component's visual appearance.
Informational, gray. For non-urgent messages or context that is important to find but should not interrupt a user’s workflow. The HTML element may have the role="region"
attribute. If so, it must also have an aria-labelledby
attribute that refers to the heading id. If it does not have a visible heading it must have an aria-label
with the value of the label based on information inside the alert.
Can we ask about your race and identity?
Providing your race and ethnicity is optional and will not affect your individual application.
We will use this information to evaluate the fairness of this application, and we ask you to provide it to ensure that you are accurately represented. Learn more about how we protect your personal information.
The HTML for the demonstration above is rendered using context passed to the component's Thymeleaf template fragment. Learn how to include component templates for Thymeleaf and Ruby in the source and usage section.
<div class="usa-alert cfa-alert usa-alert--info" role="region" aria-labelledby="aria-lb-9f4111fe79468">
<div class="usa-alert__body">
<h3 class="usa-alert__heading" id="aria-lb-0ddb039c8baaa">Can we ask about your race and identity?</h3>
<p>Providing your race and ethnicity is optional and will not affect your individual application.</p>
<p>We will use this information to evaluate the fairness of this application, and we ask you to provide it to ensure that you are accurately represented. <a href="#">Learn more about how we protect your personal information</a>.</p>
Context is the information necessary to configure and render a component template to HTML. It may include plain text strings, HTML, class names, IDs or other HTML attribute values. The context here is defined as JSON but the root attributes are translated to different variable syntaxes for Thymeleaf and Ruby templates. Learn how to pass these variables to each component template in the source and usage section.
"modifier": "cfa-alert usa-alert--info",
"role": "region",
"labelledby": "aria-lb-9f4111fe79468",
"body": "<h3 class=\"usa-alert__heading\" id=\"aria-lb-0ddb039c8baaa\">Can we ask about your race and identity?</h3><p>Providing your race and ethnicity is optional and will not affect your individual application.</p><p>We will use this information to evaluate the fairness of this application, and we ask you to provide it to ensure that you are accurately represented. <a href=\"#\">Learn more about how we protect your personal information</a>.</p>"
Success, green. For successful interactions such as a submitting an application. The HTML element should have the role="status"
Done! Your application has been submitted.
You were recommended for expedited food assistance (SNAP). Click here to learn more about expedited food assistance.
The HTML for the demonstration above is rendered using context passed to the component's Thymeleaf template fragment. Learn how to include component templates for Thymeleaf and Ruby in the source and usage section.
<div class="usa-alert cfa-alert usa-alert--success" role="status">
<div class="usa-alert__body">
<h3 class="usa-alert__heading">Done! Your application has been submitted.</h3>
<p class="usa-alert__text">You were recommended for expedited food assistance (SNAP). <a href="#">Click here to learn more about expedited food assistance</a>.</p>
Context is the information necessary to configure and render a component template to HTML. It may include plain text strings, HTML, class names, IDs or other HTML attribute values. The context here is defined as JSON but the root attributes are translated to different variable syntaxes for Thymeleaf and Ruby templates. Learn how to pass these variables to each component template in the source and usage section.
"modifier": "cfa-alert usa-alert--success",
"role": "status",
"body": "<h3 class=\"usa-alert__heading\">Done! Your application has been submitted.</h3><p class=\"usa-alert__text\">You were recommended for expedited food assistance (SNAP). <a href=\"#\">Click here to learn more about expedited food assistance</a>.</p>"
Warning, yellow. For urgent messages or context that is important to find but should not interrupt a user’s workflow. The HTML element may have the role="region"
attribute. If so, it must also have an aria-labelledby
attribute that refers to the heading id. If it does not have a visible heading it must have an aria-label
with the value of the label based on information inside the alert.
Make sure your address is correct
We couldn't find your address. To make sure you get mail from the county, you may edit your address or keep going. Alternatively, click here to look up your county information.
The HTML for the demonstration above is rendered using context passed to the component's Thymeleaf template fragment. Learn how to include component templates for Thymeleaf and Ruby in the source and usage section.
<div class="usa-alert cfa-alert usa-alert--warning">
<div class="usa-alert__body">
<h3 class="usa-alert__heading">Make sure your address is correct</h3>
<p class="usa-alert__text">We couldn't find your address. To make sure you get mail from the county, you may edit your address or keep going. <a href="#">Alternatively, click here to look up your county information</a>.</p>
Context is the information necessary to configure and render a component template to HTML. It may include plain text strings, HTML, class names, IDs or other HTML attribute values. The context here is defined as JSON but the root attributes are translated to different variable syntaxes for Thymeleaf and Ruby templates. Learn how to pass these variables to each component template in the source and usage section.
"modifier": "cfa-alert usa-alert--warning",
"heading": "Make sure your address is correct",
"body": "<p class=\"usa-alert__text\">We couldn't find your address. To make sure you get mail from the county, you may edit your address or keep going. <a href=\"#\">Alternatively, click here to look up your county information</a>.</p>"
Error, red. For urgent messages or application failure messages that are out of the user’s control. Error messages should rarely appear. The HTML element should have role="alert"
Error notice
This is an example error notice. Its a great way to highlight errors or dangerous issues. Here is a link to more information.
The HTML for the demonstration above is rendered using context passed to the component's Thymeleaf template fragment. Learn how to include component templates for Thymeleaf and Ruby in the source and usage section.
<div class="usa-alert cfa-alert usa-alert--error" role="alert">
<div class="usa-alert__body">
<h3 class="usa-alert__heading">Error notice</h3>
<p class="usa-alert__text">This is an example error notice. Its a great way to highlight <strong>errors or dangerous issues</strong>. <a href="#">Here is a link to more information</a>.</p>
Context is the information necessary to configure and render a component template to HTML. It may include plain text strings, HTML, class names, IDs or other HTML attribute values. The context here is defined as JSON but the root attributes are translated to different variable syntaxes for Thymeleaf and Ruby templates. Learn how to pass these variables to each component template in the source and usage section.
"modifier": "cfa-alert usa-alert--error",
"role": "alert",
"body": "<h3 class=\"usa-alert__heading\">Error notice</h3><p class=\"usa-alert__text\">This is an example error notice. Its a great way to highlight <strong>errors or dangerous issues</strong>. <a href=\"#\">Here is a link to more information</a>.</p>"
Emergency, orange warm. For time sensitive messages that provide urgent advisory information. Emergency messages must be used sparingly. The HTML element should have role="status"
attribute. For time-sensitive messages that demand the user's immediate attention and interrupt their workflow the HTML element should have role="alert"
Emergency alert message
Additional context and followup information including a link.
The HTML for the demonstration above is rendered using context passed to the component's Thymeleaf template fragment. Learn how to include component templates for Thymeleaf and Ruby in the source and usage section.
<div class="usa-alert cfa-alert usa-alert--emergency" role="status">
<div class="usa-alert__body">
<h3 class="usa-alert__heading">Emergency alert message</h3>
<p class="usa-alert__text">Additional context and followup information including <a href="#">a link</a>.</p>
Context is the information necessary to configure and render a component template to HTML. It may include plain text strings, HTML, class names, IDs or other HTML attribute values. The context here is defined as JSON but the root attributes are translated to different variable syntaxes for Thymeleaf and Ruby templates. Learn how to pass these variables to each component template in the source and usage section.
"modifier": "cfa-alert usa-alert--emergency",
"role": "status",
"body": "<h3 class=\"usa-alert__heading\">Emergency alert message</h3><p class=\"usa-alert__text\">Additional context and followup information including <a href=\"#\">a link</a>.</p>"
Writing messages. Use Plain language, be empathetic, and use trauma-informed principles when writing message content.
Heading order. It is a best practice to ensure the alert heading level does not skip and is in order with other page headings. However, this does not contribute to accessible success criteria.
Attention and color. A notice that uses a tertiary background color, or color that appears in roughly 5% of the color palette, will draw more attention. Also consider choosing combinations that are distinguishable across a broad spectrum of color blindness such as blue against orange, where orange is the emphasis color.
Refer to additional guidance on the USWDS documentation site.
USWDS documentation siteAdditional references
Refer to additional accessibility guidance on the USWDS documentation site.
Checklist Key
Design library component
Source and usage
- Sass stylesheet:
- Thymeleaf template fragment:
- Embedded Ruby (ERB) partial template:
Below is a demonstration of customizing the component theme settings. Refer to the theme and package-level settings documentation.
// Theme-level settings
@use 'cfa-uswds-theme' with (
// Global theme settings that affect the component, changing these will affect other components
$cfa-color-info-lighter: 'gray-warm-4', // Affects the background color of informational alerts
$cfa-color-info-light: 'gray-warm-20', // Affects border color of informational alerts
$cfa-color-warning-lighter: 'gold-5v', // Affects the background color of warning alerts
$cfa-color-warning: 'gold-20v', // Affects border color of informational alerts
$cfa-color-error-lighter: 'orange-warm-10v' // Affects the background color of error alerts
$cfa-color-error: 'orange-warm-50v', // Affects border color of error alerts
$cfa-color-success-lighter: 'green-cool-5v', // Affects the background color of success alerts
$cfa-color-success-darker: 'green-cool-60v', // Affects border color of success alerts
$cfa-color-emergency: 'orange-warm-30v' // Affects the background color of emergency alerts
$cfa-color-emergency-dark: 'orange-warm-60v', // Affects border color of emergency alerts
// Component specific settings
$cfa-alert-bar-width: 0,
$cfa-alert-padding-x: 2,
$cfa-alert-padding-y: 2,
$cfa-alert-link-color: 'ink'
// Package-level settings
@use 'cfa-core' with (
$cfa-alert-border-width: 2px
Refer to the usage documentation for additional USWDS theme settings.
@use "uswds-core" with ( /* additional USWDS theme settings */ );
This is the pre-rendered template fragment from the package. It is the same template used to render the demonstrations above. You may copy and paste from this example or use the template using the th:block th:replace
tag. See the example below.
<div th:fragment="alert(modifier, role, label, labelledby, heading, body, text)" class="usa-alert" th:classappend="${modifier}" th:attr="role=${role},aria-label=${label},aria-labelledby=${labelledby}">
<div class="usa-alert__body">
<h3 class="usa-alert__heading" th:if="${heading}" th:text="${heading}" th:attr="id=${labelledby}">Heading</h3>
<div th:if="${body}" th:utext="${body}">
<p class="usa-alert__text" th:if="${text}" th:utext="${text}">Text</p>
Below is an example of how to use the fragment from the package directory using the th:block th:replace
inclusion tag. Replace the fragment parameters using your variables or context.
<th:block th:replace="~{packages/cfa-alert/ :: alert(${modifier}, ${role}, ${label}, ${labelledby}, ${heading}, ${body}, ${text})}" />
This is the pre-rendered partial template from the package. You may copy and paste from this example or use the template directly from the path.
<div class="usa-alert<% if defined?(modifier) %> <%= modifier %><% end %>"<% if defined?(role) %> role="<%= role %>"<% end %><% if defined?(label) %> aria-label="<%= label %>"<% end %><% if defined?(labelledby) %> aria-labelledby="<%= labelledby %>"<% end %>>
<div class="usa-alert__body">
<% if defined?(heading) %><h3 class="usa-alert__heading"<% if defined?(labelledby) %> id="<%= labelledby %>"<% end %>><%= heading %></h3><% end %>
<% if defined?(body) %><div><%= body %></div><% end %>
<% if defined?(text) %>
<p class="usa-alert__text"><%= text %></p>
<% end %>
Below is an example of how to include the partial in a view from the package directory using the Ruby ERB
class. Replace the argument values using your variables or context. In a Rails environment, the render
method can be used instead with the same hash values.
<%='packages/cfa-alert/_cfa-alert.html.erb'), 0, 0, '@alert').result_with_hash({modifier: modifier, role: role, label: label, labelledby: labelledby, heading: heading, body: body, text: text}) %>