How it works:

No sign-up, no cost. Start building a contact list that your team will love in 2 minutes or less.

No SVG support

Make Your Own CityBook

CityBook takes contact data from a Google Spreadsheet and transforms it into a searchable address book that can be embedded on any website or blog.

Built to help social services display contact information for resources in their communities.

Step 1: Get the Template

Build a new Google Spreadsheet using the CityBook template. You'll need to copy the template to your own Google Drive account by clicking the "Use this template" button.

Step 2: Publish to the Web

Under the File menu in your spreadsheet, select “Publish to the Web.”

In the next window, click the blue "publish" button. When asked, "Are you sure…?" click OK.

Now, copy the URL that appears in the center of the window. You'll use this in the next step.

Step 3: Paste Your Spreadsheet's Public Link

Paste your spreadsheet's public link here:

Spreadsheet Link:

Adjust other settings here:

Width: %
Height: px

By creating a CityBook, you agree to our terms of service.

Step 4: Grab the Embed Code

Embed this code on your website, just like a YouTube video.

Test your CityBook